Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Justin Individual Post #3

This article describes one man who was apart off the 9/11 attacks whose visa was overstayed for 2 years before the attacks. El Khalifi was arrested just last month for possession and distribution of marijuana.  There are estimated over 11 million people living in USA with illegal immigration or overstayed Visas. A problem that the USA faces is wether or not to create a system to track down Visas and the day they have activated it. I would think that it would be a great idea since it would allow for a high level of security in the country. The problem is, the American government thinks that overstayed visas are not a priority in crime. Also the price of creating a system doesn't appeal to the government for a problem that is growing by the day.

This is very much like Celia's story. The Coyote that lead Celia to the middle of no where lied to her. The exact same thing happened to the American government. When the government gives access to other people through Visas, they think that they are going to be trustworthy enough to leave when they were supposed to. The same thing happened to Celia. She thought that the Coyote was going to be trustworthy enough to take her to the border, but he didn't and caused her grief as did El Khalifi with his part being in the 9/11 attack.

1 comment:

  1. I think that you did a really good job explaining the problem in the U.S. today and comparing it to what happens in the book. You had some really good support from the book but I think you should put in some direct quotes to make it better. Overall good job though!
